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 Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing

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Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing Empty
PostSubject: Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing   Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing EmptyWed Oct 21, 2009 12:07 am

Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing


The most common violation in writing research papers is plagiarism. This portion intends to remind you of the law and common plagiarism violations that has been committed by the student. Take time to read and take note of this important issue.

What is Plagiarism?

"Plagiarism (from the Latin ptag/are, "to kidnap") is the practice of claiming, or implying, original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. Unlike cases of forgery, in which the authenticity of the writing, document, or some other kind of object, itself is in question, plagiarism is concerned with the issue of false attribution. Plagiarism can also occur unconsciously; in some cultures certain forms of plagiarism are accepted because the concept can be interpreted differently."

"Within academla, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another."

How is Plagiarism done?

Plagiarism is committed in different ways.
Below are common methods of committing plagiarism:
*Downloading previously created papers from the so-called term-paper web sites
*Copying a paper from a local source
*Copying legitimate papers and articles from the Web
*Cut-and-paste from one or more electronic resources
*Using ideas, concepts and conclusions from other sources without acknowledgement
*Paraphrasing without acknowledging source

Guidelines on Academic Integrity

Preparations of Papers and other Works: Plagiarism

All work submitted to meet course requirements is expected to be a students' own work. In the preparation of work submitted to meet course requirements, students should take great care to distinguish their own ideas and knowledge from information derived from sources. Whenever ideas or facts are derived from a student's reading and research the source must be indicated. The term "sources" includes not only published primary and secondary material, but also information and opinions gained directly from other people. The responsibility of using the proper forms of citation lies with the individual student. Quotations must be placed within quotation marks, and the source must be credited. All paraphrased material also must be completely acknowledged.

Adapted from the Harvard University Student Handbook 2007-2008.

Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing

Research and Thesis


A research or thesis is a document that presents the students' researches and findings, and is submitted in support of candidature for a degree or professional qualification. (

A research or thesis is the finale work that showcases a graduate students ability to conduct research. It is a research paper that is defended before a panel, usually consisting of experts In the field of study and for faculty members of the Institution. It reflects the ability of the student to come up with a research problem, answers and analysis to what is being sought; and write the research report in a logical and scholarly manner worthy of publication.

Characteristics of a Good Research/Thesis

Accurate and thorough. The research paper must have its facts and ideas presented accurately, at the same time the sub|ect must be covered thoroughly and completely.

Well-sourced. One of the most important characteristics of any paper, is to be able to recognize the contributions of other people whose work are in relation to the research, wherein It cites all the facts and Ideas. It must be supported by a lot of related literature. Plagiarism has to be avoided at all times.

Balanced. A research paper must be able to give a fair treatment of the facts, ideas, and viewpoints being discussed, It should be able to note the strengths and weaknesses of each. An excellent paper may be critical of previous work, but avoids unsubstantiated criticism and ad hominem attacks on other authors.

Creative. A good research paper goes beyond presenting facts, but does not mean that any of the information is "made up" or non-factual. An excellent paper will have facts that are organized, analyzed, synthesized, or used as the basis of conclusions in ways that are innovative, creative, and original.

Mechanically correct. A research paper that is mechanically correct is free of errors in style, grammar, punctuation, word usage, and spelling.

Well-written. A well written paper has a clear purpose, and the writing style utilizes precise nouns, strong verbs, active voice, and correct verb tense. In an excellent paper, the material is organized logically, with good transitions between sections and appropriate pacing. The normal English sentence construction of subject - verb - object should be followed whenever possible.

The Researcher

The researcher, in this case the student must completed all the academic requirements of the course. The researcher must keep in mind several responsibilities which will be the key in submitting a paper. A student shall:

*Select a research topic that is in relation to the course being pursued

*Conceptualizes the research problem and develops the theoretical groundwork.

*Presents a thesis proposal to the adviser.

*Undertakes the research upon approval.

*Writes the manuscript making sure that it conforms to the structure and format prescribed by the School

*Submits five (5) copies of the manuscript for oral defense, complete with the signatures of the panelists, advisor, Program Coordinator/Director or Dean with a soft copy on either a CD-R or USB Flash drive in Microsoft Word format.

*Presents the research for defense and cross examination by the panel.

*Incorporates all revisions as suggested by the advisers and/or panelists

*Revises the thesis according to the suggestions of the panelists.

*Submits one (1) final revised bound copies of the manuscript, complete with the signatures of the panelists, advisor, Program Coordinator/Director and Dean.

*Submit one (1) copies of final revised thesis in CD-R in pdf format.

Research Topic

A research topic is the main focus of the study that the student will be conducting. It is usually decided upon by the student in consultation with the adviser and must be meet the criteria set forth by the School.


1. All theses/dissertation topics must be theory-oriented, thus must develop, test/validate or modify a theory.

2. The research topic should be consistent with the curriculum required of the degree program being pursued by the student.

3. A research topic must be:

a. Relevant to the student's major field of specialization

b. Original

c. Feasible, with the time and resources of the student

d. Reflective of the background and competence of the student

4. The title must reflect the variables or problems studied rather than the research method used.

5. The research topic must be presented to the adviser.

Research and Thesis Panel

The research panel is composed of the adviser and members of the defense panel.

Presentation of Research Proposal

The presentation aims to provide the members of the panel the scope,vfocus, feasibility, methods, and structure of the proposed paper. An approved proposal will serve as a research contract between the research/thesis panel and the student.

The presentation will at least be for 30 minutes. A discussion will follow with the members of the panel asking questions and recommending further revisions. Other faculties and guests may be invited to attend. After the discussion, the student along with the guests will be asked to leave the room, while the panel deliberates on whether to pass, pass with minor modifications or fail requiring major revisions and/or restructure, The adviser will call back the student and present the decision.

If the candidate's proposal passes, the panel will sign a copy of the title page that provides spaces for the signatures. If the proposal does not pass, the candidate shall be asked to revise the proposal, and defend it again.

Tips In the Research Proposal Presentation

1.Describe the purpose, significance, and plan to conduct the research. Make sure to elaborate on each of these 3 sections including the theoretical orientation of the study.

2.Concentrate on three points: purpose (what), significance (why), and methodology (how). Remember to keep within the 30 minute time limit!

3.Remind the audience what the problem statement is by relating each major section of the presentation to the topic.

4.Make sure you can accurately describe the relationships between all your variables.

5.Be sure you have enough Related Literature that would support and not support your Hypothesis.

Let me emphasize the importance of writing your output in proper English with a correct subject verb agreement, appropriate adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. Please do not dare submit your work with such bad English as this:

Guidelines and Standards in Research and Thesis Writing Bad_en12
Happy learning...
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